Stage 4 (Year 8) History Inquiry questions

What can we learn about societies and civilisations of the past?

What have been the legacies of past societies and civilisations?


Stage 4 (Year 8) History Outcomes

Throughout this topic, students work towards all outcomes, with particular focus on those
listed below.

A student:
4.1 describes and explains the nature of history, the main features of past societies and
periods and their legacy
4.5 identifies the meaning, purpose and context of historical sources
4.8 locates, selects and organises relevant information from a number of sources,
including ICT, to conduct basic historical research
4.10 selects and uses appropriate oral, written and other forms, including ICT, to
communicate effectively about the past.

Stage 4 (Year 8) History Working Historically Skills

Historical skills to be integrated into this topic:

• sequence events within specific periods of time
• use historical terms and concepts in appropriate contexts
• identify different types of sources relevant to the study
• draw conclusions about the usefulness of sources for an historical inquiry
• locate, select and organise information from a range of sources.

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