
 Due to your valour in service to your country during the crusades, King Richard the Lionheart has granted you and your knights a feifdom. As your arch enemy the French king Louis has ordered his army to attack your land, you have 2 weeks in which you and your army must design and build a castle to defend yourselves. In order to do this you must first acquire a castle building licence. You must also provide a list of the castles features and their uses and give a presentation to the masses outlining your castles design and main features in order to satisfy them of their safety within the walls of your castle.

In order to successfully build a castle that can be defended effectively, and allow you to attack your enemies, you and your knights must research different castle design, features and their primary uses. You can find helpful resources under the sources tab to find some ideas and inspiration. After you have created a design, you must build a model of your castle.

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